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Record and Playback is one of the many quickest and easiest ways to create automated tests.
During the 3 chapters, you will learn how to use Record and Playback in Katalon Studio to:
In the first chapter, we will quickly walk through Katalon Studio – a free testing tool with Record and Playback. Then, you will learn how to use it for recording tests while performing manual actions on web pages.
In the second chapter, you will know how to reuse the previous test case to form a new one. To do this, you will add new recorded steps to the existing ones, which can also be the way to update any test case when the UI or workflow changes.
And in the final chapter, we show you how to do test recording right on your active browser where you’re working. This will help you save time and avoid duplication of test assets since you don’t need to record all the precondition steps to reach the current state of your UAT.
Note: You can download and use the sample project we used in this course here: https://github.com/katalon-studio/record-and-playback-sample-project
In this first chapter, I will show you how to create a new simple test case from scratch, using Record & Playback in Katalon Studio. So, what I got here is a brand new project. If you haven't downloaded the tool yet, just pause this video, hop over to katalon.com/download, install and you'll be good to go.
When Studio is ready, open it, go to 'File' >> 'New project' and this box will appear. Give your project a name. Choose the type. Let's go for 'Web'. There are other options below where you can connect to sample projects or other platforms. But just leave them for now.
On the left, you can see there are many folders under the Tab 'Test Explorer.' Let's go over each of them briefly. 'Test Profile' is where to input and control the different environments that you want to run your tests on, like Staging or Production. 'Test Cases,' like its name, is where all of your test cases are stored. 'Object Repository' contains all of your test objects that you're going to interact with. 'Test Suites' is where you gather test cases according to different groups, like regression tests, smoke tests, or one particular feature.
'Data Files' is where you save all the files for data-driven testing, which we'll talk about in another course. 'Checkpoint' is for implementing certain features to verify specific test steps. 'Keyword' is where you add your customized keywords (you can find the available ones in Studio by clicking on this icon on the left here). 'Test Listeners' is where you can create the scripts to interfere with the test steps when needed. For complex projects, you'd definitely need this. 'Reports' is simply the place containing all the reports for your test suite executions.
Here we have 'TestOps,' Studio's built-in reporting and test orchestration platform. You can connect Studio to TestOps to store and analyse all of your results with advanced analytics and charts. 'Include' is where you can use other functionalities like Behavior-Driven Development or BDD Testing and scripting. 'Plugins' is where you can connect the Studio to other applications and platforms. You can go on Store dot Katalon dot com to see all the available plugins there.
Now you have created a project and understand the basic structure of Katalon Studio. Let's go ahead and create a new test case. Right-click on the 'Test cases' folder > 'New'. There are 2 options here. If you want to put your test case in a new folder, you could choose 'Folder'. But for now, let's click on 'Test Case'. Then, give it a name. Here, I'll name it 'Login' since we're going to record a test case for this function.
To start recording, on the top menu, click on the 'Record Web' button and this window will appear. Now, type in the URL that you want to test here. I'll use Katalon's demo website, CURA Healthcare Service. Here's a quick explanation of the different sections you see here. On the left, the Recorded Actions will capture all the steps you take on a webpage. And over on the right, the Captured Objects/Object Properties/Selected Locators will let you see more of a detailed look on all the captured objects you've interacted with during the whole recording session.
Next, when clicking on the 'Record' button, the CURA Healthcare website will immediately open. This results in the first two actions being recorded on the screen, which are 'Open Browser' and 'Navigate to URL'. The same applies for every action you take and every object you interact with on your AUT. Now, I will go ahead and perform all the manual steps to login to an account. Alright, click on this 'Make appointment' button. Type in the user name and the password. Then 'Login' last and we're done!
Now, what we need is an element to verify this login step. I'll use this 'Logout' text in this expanded menu for verification. Right-click on the text, point to 'Katalon Studio' and choose 'Verify Element Present'. Having created all the steps for our test case, close this window then we're going to run, or playback this test case to make sure all the steps work properly. Click on the 'Playback' button to go through each step again.
Looks like everything is good. The final status here is 'Passed' so we can go ahead and click on 'Save script' on the bottom here. This dialog box will appear, asking if you want to add these new test objects to the Repository in a new folder. We'll discuss this section, test objects and repository, in another course. For now, just click 'OK'.
Alright, let's have a look at our result. You can see all the recorded steps have been saved in our 'Login' test case. And all of the objects are saved in the repository as well. Now, let's run this test for the last time, just to make sure it won't fail. While that is going, you can switch to this Log Viewer to see all the details. The green tick indicates success while the red X means the step failed.
Let's wait for a few seconds. And it's done! All green! And there you have it, how to create a simple test case using Record & Playback. Easy right? No code needed, just perform all the steps manually and let Katalon take care of the scripting. In the next chapter, we are going to create another test case by adding additional steps to this one.
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